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music ::..

i really love chip music - especially on the c64... theres lots of sites containing remixes or original c64 music. find some interesting links here...

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  • [ Chris Hülsbeck ] Chris Hülsbeck was one of the most famours musicians on the c64 and also released some nice tunes on the amiga. he for example made music for the wellknown game "giana sisters" more than 1.000 sceners do it the right way.

  • [ Soniqfactory ] this is the site of rafael dyll. he presents lots of c64 and some atari st remixes.

  • [ ] if you are interested in amiga remixes - check this out.

  • [ ] your choice if you wanna listen to great c64 or amiga remixes.

  • [ Welle:Erdball ] a professional german band which uses the c64 for their productions.

  • [ press play on tape ] press play on tape is another professional music-band which plays lots of c64 music with real instruments.

  • [ ] another nice resource for remixes.

  • [ Maniacs of Noise ] the Maniacs of Noise did lots of wellknown musix for videogames in the past.

  • if this is not the link-section you are interested in,
    go back to the link-categorys here

    i am not responsible for the content of any of these linked websites.

    Yazoo of ex-Oxyron (C64) and ex-Arsenic (Amiga) - Free hosting for the demoscene schneider media- und webdesign
    (c) 2006 by Yazoo
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